Next stop was Titusville, FL, on the space coast. We enjoyed the nature trails and wildlife at the Great Outdoors RV Nature and Golf Resort. God really drew our attention to the heavens last week. First, we watched two incredible space-related DVDs: The Privileged Planet and Star of Bethlehem – both of which brought us to a place of awe and wonder about the Creator of the universe and tremendously strengthened our faith. Second, our memory verses for this week just happened to be from Psalm 19 – all about the heavens declaring the glory of God. To top it off, we visited Kennedy Space Center and spent the day pondering life from a very different perspective.
It is deeply moving to glimpse the complexity, enormity, and synchrony that God set in motion when He created the heavens and the earth. And is it not amazing that He created us in such a way that we can discover and begin to understand it? How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Lord!
2 comments: should check out a wonderful organization that Jeff is very involved in called, "Reasons to Believe" they have very amazing evidence on the creation of the universe and have some previous NASA staff on hand to talk to. I have personally met Dr. Hugh Ross and he is an AMAZING and very intelligent man who really knows his stuff - he also has written some very good books.
sorry for the wrong web site address, correct one:
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