Friday, July 20, 2012


Everything is growing like crazy around here! 

First, I better back's been two months since our last post.  In addition to the two baby boy goats (Einstein and Mr. Tumnus), Betsy gave birth to a baby girl named Daisy.  Read more about the baby goats on Ashley's new blog.  They are growing like crazy!  And so is our milk supply!  Nellie and Betsy each produce a gallon of milk a day.

Rich built and planted a beautiful raised bed garden this spring and it is now growin like crazy too!  The cucumbers and zucchini are currently keeping us busy...zucchini bread, zucchini pancakes, and our favorite...zucchini brownies.

And let's not forget Jake's 55 chicks who are now looking more like teenagers than babies!  In fact, they should start laying eggs in about a month or so.  We have now moved them into the Chicken Palace with our original ten hens.  The RV was great for the toddler season, but we quickly realized it wasn't going to cut it.  So...we'll be remodeling the palace to accomodate the new flock.  For now, they sleep under the stars in the enclosed run on temporary roost bars.

On another note, Ashley and Jake have been growing like crazy in the way of musical theater performing in two productions this spring/summer.  Ashley played the step-mother and Jake was a citizen of the kingdom in Cindarella .

Jake played Tommy and Ashley was Eulalie in The Music Man .  So fun!

Thanks to Grandma Lana, Rich and I were able to attend The Reformation of Food and Family Conference in San Antonio, TX, last weekend.  What a blessing to be with 1,500 Christians who are excited about growing and eating the food that God created to nourish our bodies and our families.

It's been about one year since we moved to the country.  Today, we received our "Minneosta Farm Bureau" membership cards.  I just had to chuckle.  (I'm sure there are a few of you who are downright laughing:-)  What a difference a year makes.  A lot can happen.  A lot can change.  We've gone from suburbanites to wandering RV'ers to hobby farmers in just a few short years.  And through it all, God has been growing many things within each of us - hopefully a bountiful harvest of the fruit of the Spirit. 

And may each of you have the same abundant harvest in your life as you travel the journey God sets before you. 

1 comment:

Katie G. said...

I just found your blog this evening and have really enjoyed it, past to present.
We live in WI, not too far from you. I am a farm girl, my husband- a city boy. My parents still run the organic dairy farm that I grew up on with our help and our 3 boys.
We have been contemplating selling our house and living on the road for a year. If it is God's will, let it be. Thank you for sharing your life with us.