Two weeks ago we arrived back in Minnesota after traveling to North Carolina to purchase our new home. No, we are not moving to North Carolina. We are moving around the U.S. - in a motor home - for the next 6-8 months. We will be traveling together as a family homeschooling and working along the way. We are downsizing our living space by 90% - from a 3,600 sq. foot two-story house

to a 360 square foot motor home!

As you can imagine, there is an incredible story of how we got here and I will share it with you as time goes on. For now, go to YouTube and listen to "Something Crazy" by Steven Curtis Chapman. It has been one of our theme songs for the last few months and helps us remember that we are not the only ones who have been called to do something that looks "crazy"!
And it's crazy when love gets a hold of you.
And it's crazy things that love will make you do.
And it's crazy but it's true, you really don't know love at all, 'til it's making you do...
something crazy!
Noah spent 120 years building an ark in the middle of dry land. Abraham left his home for a land he did not know. The Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days, and the walls fell flat.
What crazy thing is He calling you to do?
And it's crazy when love gets a hold of you.
And it's crazy things that love will make you do.
And it's crazy but it's true, you really don't know love at all, 'til it's making you do...
something crazy!
Noah spent 120 years building an ark in the middle of dry land. Abraham left his home for a land he did not know. The Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days, and the walls fell flat.
What crazy thing is He calling you to do?