Monday, October 24, 2011

Mystery stain

So, I noticed Ashley had a stain on her jacket. 
Anyone want to guess what this is?
Ok, now this was a new one. 
It just never happened in suburbia.
But it happened here in hobby farm-ville.

This is what happens when you put an egg in your pocket and forget to take it out and it gets smashed all over the inside of your pocket. 


Thank God for washing machines :-)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remembering Anastasia

Anastasia, age 2, died suddenly Wednesday night for no apparent reason.  She was a good bird, an excellent egg-layer, and a leader of her flock.  In fact, she was at the top of the pecking order.  Was there a coup in the coop?  We may never know what transpired that night.  All we know is she filed into the coop with the rest of the flock on Wednesday evening, but by Thursday morning she was...well...dead.  Arrangements have been made with Randy's Sanitation.  A short service was held outside the coop with all flockmates in attendance.  For more information, please watch the following interview with the farmer who discovered poor Anastasia.